acusticofobia afraid of the noise
acrophobia, fear of heights
agoraphobia, fear of open spaces
ailurofobia afraid of cats
alectorofobia fear of chickens
allodoxafobia fear the opinions of others
amatofobia fear of dust
androfobia fear of men
anemofobia afraid of the wind
apifobia afraid of bees
arachnophobia fear of spiders
aurofobia fear gold
automisofobia fear of being dirty
aviofobia fear of flying
bhacillofobia fear of microbes
bibliofobia fear of books
bufonofobia fear of toads
carcinofobia fear of getting cancer
catisofobia afraid to sit
chemofobia fear of chemical compounds
chinofobia fear of snow
colerofobia fear of the wrath
crometofobia afraid of money
chromophobia afraid of colors
cibofobia fear of food
cinetofobia fear of movement
cinofobia afraid of dogs
claustrophobia, fear of enclosed spaces
climacofobia afraid of the stairs
coprofobia fear of feces
coulrofobia fear of clowns
ciclofobia fear of the bicycle
decidofobia afraid to make decisions
dendrofobia afraid of trees
dentofobia (or odontophobia) fear of the dentist
dermatofobia fear of skin lesions
didascaleinofobia fear of school
dichefobia fear of justice
dipsofobia afraid to drink
disabiliofobia afraid to undress in front of someone
dromofobia fear of the means of locomotion
dysmorphophobia fear of not having a normal appearance
ecclesiofobia fear of churches
eisoptrofobia fear of mirrors or reflections vedervisi
electrofobia fear of electricity
eleuterofobia fear of freedom
eliofobia afraid of the sun
emetophobia fear of vomiting
emofobia fear of blood
enofobia fear of wine
entomofobia fear of insects
equinofobia afraid of horses
eremofobia fear of loneliness
ergofobia fear of labor
ereutofobia (or erythrophobia) fear of blushing
erpetofobia fear of reptiles
EUFOBIA afraid to hear good news
falacrofobia fear of becoming bald
farmacofobia afraid of medicine
Filofobia afraid to fall in love
phobophobia fear of phobias
phonophobia fear of noise
frigofobia afraid of the cold
gamofobia fear of marriage
gefirofobia fear crossing the bridges
glossophobia fear of public speaking
gimnofobia fear of nudity
ginofobia fear of women
iatrofobia afraid of the doctor
hydrophobia fear of water
ittiofobia fear of fish
keraunofobia afraid of thunder
leucofobia fear of the color white
mastigofobia (or rabdofobia) fear of punishment
melofobia fear of music
menofobia fear of menstruation
mycophobia fear of mushrooms
musofobia afraid of mice
necrofobia fear of death
nefofobia fear of the clouds
neophobia fear of novelty
nictofobia afraid of the night
nosocomefobia fear of hospitals
odinofobia fear of pain
ofidiofobia fear of snakes
oicofobia afraid of the house
ombrofobia afraid of rain
ommetafobia fear Eye
homophobia fear of homosexuality
ornitofobia fear of birds
pagofobia fear the ice
papafobia fear of the pope
papirofobia fear of paper
parassitofobia fear of parasites
pathophobia fear of disease
pedofobia fear of children
pirofobia fear of fire
plutofobia fear of wealth
radiophobia fear of radiation
sciofobia afraid of the shadows
scolecifobia afraid of worms
scotomafobia fear of becoming blind
scriptofobia fear of writing in public
selenofobia fear of the moon
sfecsofobia fear of wasps
siderodromofobia fear of train travel
siderofobia fear of the stars
staurofobia fear of crucifixes
stenofobia fear of tight spaces
simmetrofobia fear of symmetry
tacofobia fear of speed
taphophobia fear of being buried alive
technophobia fear of technology
talassofobia afraid of the sea
tanatofobia fear of death or dying
termofobia afraid of the heat
tossifobia fear of being poisoned
triscaidecafobia fear of the number 14
tripanofobia fear of injections
tropofobia fear of moving, change of place
uranofobia fear of heaven
urofobia fear of urine
vaccinofobia fear of vaccinations
venustrafobia fear of beautiful women
verbofobia afraid of words
xantofobia fear of the color yellow
xenophobia fear of foreigners
zoofobia fear of animals